International symposium - ‘Human Impacts on Marine Functional Connectivity’

Start: May 21st, 2023

End: May 24th, 2023

The international symposium entitled ‘Human Impacts on Marine Functional Connectivity’ will take place between 22th –25th May 2023 in Cineteatro Municipal João Mota, Sesimbra, Portugal. The event will be hosted by the European Cooperation in Science and Technolog​y (COST), the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), and Action SEA-UNICORN.

This symposium aims to explore management options for ecosystem property preservation in the context of innovative research, related to changes in marine functional connectivity caused by human impacts. A wide range of experts will gather to discuss and exchange ideas.

Key topics include:

  • Describing the effects on connectivity of a wide range of human activities at different scales.
  • Pinpointing cumulative impacts where possible.
  • Showcasing adaptive management strategies.

Participants are encouraged to share their knowledge and experience on changes in marine functional connectivity under anthropogenic pressures.


  • Ubiquitous effects of global warming (e.g. increases in water temperature and extreme weather events, changes in oceanic circulation)
  • Human activities modifying marine habitats and ecosystems (e.g. fishing, offshore wind farms, shipping, aquaculture)

Travel support

Travel support is available for early career scientists and SEA-UNICORN members. Limited funds will be available to support travel and accommodation for early career scientists, with priority given to those of a nationality and/or affiliation with ICES Member Countries members of the COST Action SEA-UNICORN. Travel applications should be submitted alongside abstract submissions.

Call for abstracts is now open!

Deadline for submissions: 14th November 2022

Cineteatro Municipal João Mota
