WP1 will create the necessary governance structure for effective, efficient and timely implementation and management of the EcoScope project by establishing the necessary procedures, facilitating the communication flow among partners and ensuring timely reporting to the European Commission (EC). The general aim is reached through specific objectives:
The aim of WP2 is to review and assess the present state of fisheries management and supporting oceanographic, ecosystem and socio-economic information to facilitate the development and implementation of efficient ecosystem- based fisheries management (EBFM) in European Seas. The following specific objectives have been identified:
WP3 will develop, demonstrate and maintain the EcoScope Platform, one of the main components of EcoScopium public portal and products of the EcoScope project, which will host meteorological, oceanographic, biogeochemical, environmental, biological, fishery, socio-economic datasets and homogenise them into common standard type and format following international protocols. Data will cover all study areas and will be assembled, compiled and integrated in the system from a multitude of external sources, allowing for an integrated and holistic fisheries management approach within the ecosystem context. The EcoScope Platform will be the modular tool linking data (collected by modern observational multi-platforms, hydrodynamic and biogeochemical model outputs, biological data, etc.) with environmental- and human drivers and with complex spatio-temporal ecosystem models. The EcoScope Platform will couple predictions of changes in marine biogeochemistry, food webs and productivity of ecosystems within the framework of climate change and increased anthropogenic forcing. After data harmonization and injection, the EcoScope Platform will provide data to end-users and stakeholders, in standardised types and formats.
WP4 aims to collect, align, and standardize global-scale climatic parameters in time (link to WP3) and re-use them in ecological models. In this WP, statistical models and machine-learning models (both supervised and unsupervised) will be used for Big Data analysis operations. The WP includes the development of an inference system for vessel-transmitted information that estimates fishing effort and other features related to patterns and processes of fishing activities per fleet and area. All data and models will feed an overarching model that will assess the impact of climate change and fisheries on the ecosystem, and will produce a vulnerability and a risk assessment index. With the completion of WP4, a global- scale index on the impact of climate and human activities on biodiversity, ecosystems and fisheries will be delivered that will be incorporated in the EcoScope Toolbox (WP5).
WP5 aims to assess the status of the ecosystem across all case studies (Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Balearic Sea, Baltic Sea, Bay of Biscay, Black Sea, Levantine Sea, North Sea) and the status of ecosystem components including commercial and non-commercial fish and shellfish, communities, habitats and megafauna (marine mammals, reptiles seabirds, large sharks and rays) through a series of indicators that will be available on the EcoScopium public portal. The ultimate objective of WP5 is to develop a scoring system, the EcoScope Toolbox, comprised of several metrics from different WPs that will be used for management and policy purposes as well as for comparisons among areas and management scenarios. The specific objectives of WP5 that will be applied to all case studies (and to larger regions if data availability permits) are to:
WP6 aims to develop and implement Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) ecosystem models (www.ecoapth.org) for all case studies as the necessary foundation to examine a range of fishery and ecosystem management and policy scenarios under a changing environment from the local scale to EU spatial scale as required for CFP and MSFD. The models will be coupled with environmental data, oceanographic and biogeochemical models in order to develop the basis required to conduct and run the scenarios. In order to enhance the reliability of the information provided to policy makers, uncertainty and deep uncertainty tools will be developed and implemented into the scenario running and evaluation process. Further enrichment of scenario testing tools will be implemented through the development of a fisheries edition of the MSP Challenge simulation platform for a selected region (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) and then applying this fisheries edition to existing MSP Challenge simulation platform editions (Baltic Sea, North Sea, Adriatic Sea).
The overall objective of WP7 is to present the most up-to-date knowledge on the societal expectations and preferences of citizens and stakeholders and to assess the economic and governance implications of current management and ecosystem-based fisheries management in Europe. Specifically, the WP7 will:
WP8 on stakeholder engagement and capacity building aims to ensure that the interoperable EcoScope Platform and decision-making EcoScope Toolbox developed within the EcoScope project will be co-designed with the users and stakeholders, and to ensure that these tools are taken up through capacity development. The objectives of the task are to:
WP9 aims to design effective business models, promoting new forms of collaboration between public and private actors to prepare the introduction and sustainability of the EcoScope products and services beyond the duration of the project. It will prepare an exploitation package to introduce the EcoScope products and services to various public and private stakeholders and will ensure all Results and Background Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are protected.
The EcoScope project results will be presented at major events, conferences and workshops with the participation of end-users and stakeholder groups. The project results will be available through a website, social media, press releases, newsletters, games, simulators, dashboards and a smartphone EcoScope App to engage with communities about illegal fishing activities, which will provide valuable feedback to the EcoScopium public portal and the communities themselves.
The general output will be presented with news, articles, a short documentary film and the scientific output will be published in scientific journals and conference proceedings. The primary objectives are to:
The objective is to ensure compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set out in this work package.