The Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé (CEBC-UMR7372), based in Villiers en Bois is a Joint Research Unit between CNRS and La Rochelle University. The scientific field of research and teaching of CEBC includes the ecology and ecophysiology of vertebrates. It assesses the effect of environmental stressors (climate, pollutants, habitat loss…) on biodiversity.
CEBC includes a team of 13 researchers working on seabirds and marine mammal ecology in relation to the oceanic global changes. CEBC is one of the leading international labs for the study of marine top predators, with an ecophysiological and oceanographic approach blending biologging and modelling on the basis of long-term monitoring. The excellence chair on ‘Ecology and Conservation of Seabirds and Marine Mammals’, which was awarded to David Gremillet (CEBC) will strengthen the already world-renowned (with 380 papers during 2016-2019 including several Nature, Science, TREE and PNAS papers) CEBC/La Rochelle University.
Contact Name: David Gremillet
Rue Michel Ange 3